Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sport 2

These are some more questions about sport.

Sport 2

Sport do not only make people healthy but can also endanger people.
Name some sports belong to extreme sport...

Which is the most dangerous one?

Why do you think so?

Do you think this kind of sport can be done by people from all of age?

Why people do these extreme sports?

Some sports are expensive, for the high-class people. And others can be done by common people.
Mention the expensive sports.

Why are they expensive?

Mention the common sports.

Sport players are those who are not only strong or skillful, but also a brainy ones.
Can you explain this?

Give some examples...

Sport players are classified into fun players, amateur players, semi professional and professional players.

What are the differences for each category?

Which do you belong to?

Each sport has its own costume, body protection and equipment.

What are sport costumes for?

Which sport costumes do you like best?

Which sports need body protection?

Which sports need equipment?

Which sports do not need equipment?

Sport costumes inspire business sectors to produce merchandises.

Mention merchandise sold for sport mania.

Why people are attracted to these phenomena?

Trainers, coaches, managers, officials, and supporters are people behind the players.

What are the roles of each of them above?

In your opinion, who are the best in the world?

The best trainers...

The best coaches...

The best managers...

The best supporters...

Who are the worst ones?

Supporters, fans, maniacs do not only give their support. When they feel disappointed they may become wild, ruin things, and hurt others.
Why could this happen?

Who is to be blame if riots and violence happen?

 How can we prevent this from happening?

Here are some famous sport figures in the world. 

Check how good you are in sport.

Explain as much as possible about each name...

Mike Tyson                     Valentino Rossi

Ayrton Senna                   Rudi Hartono

Pele                                  Christiano Ronaldo

Zinedine Zidane               Nadia Comaneci

Michael Jordan                Susi Susanti

Tiger Woods                   Maria Sarapova

[Rederences: Leo, Sutanto (2006) English for leisure Time Speaking, Jakarta Gramedia Pustaka Utama 
                        and other resources]

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