Still more exercises for Word in Sentence...
1. You can’t get wine or beer in this
restaurant, because it doesn’t have a _________ license.
[licking, like, likely, liquor]
2. Don’t ask your father for money. He’s in
bad _____
[mood, moon, mouth, move]
3. Your sister’s or brother’s son is your
4. You know that Bill is rich, but do you
know that the _________ of his wealth is oil ?
[sauce, source, space, spice]
5. Why’s the building shaking? It’s all
right. It’s only a small _________. We have lots in Tokyo .
[earring, earthquake, earth wake, elephant]
6. Would you like a slice of _______ cake ?
[charm, chocolate, cash, camp]
7. You can wait here, and in the ________
I’ll go and buy food.
[main, main time, meaning, meantime]8. You can’t expect Mary to behave like a
mature woman. She’s just a _________.
mere, more, nearly]
9. What’s trumpet made of ? _________.
[bless, brass, breath, brush]
10. We were hoping to get home by noon. But
our plane was ________.
[dealt, defied, delayed, delight]
11. Jim’s
lazy. He has a very bad ______ toward work.
[attention, attitude, attractive, authority]
12. Pam’s in hospital. She was the _______ of the careless
[object, result, sacrifice, victim]
Tony’s in the ____ now. His ship is on the way to US.
[native, naughty, navy, never]
He said my hair looked beautiful. That was a nice ________.
[company, complaint, complete, compliment]
My chin feels rough. I forgot to _____ this morning.
[safe, save, scarf, shave]
16. Dick thinks I’m very funny. Whenever he
sees me, he begins to _______.
[grand, green, grin, grind]
17. Gerry writes books. The _______ of his
last one is “The Brown Land”.
[design, remark, title, goal]
18. Frank’s car hit a wall. But he was lucky
and managed to _______ unharmed.
[escape, escort, expense, export]
19. Max would be a good manager. He really has a strong
[capture, charity, chatter, character]
20. Look at that bird. It ________ down to
the ground without moving its wings at all.
[glides, glitters, grind, guides]
21. Susan dances with such _______. She’s
really a wonderful dancer.
[glass, grace, grass, guess]
]22. Marta has cooked for many years, so she’
_____ at it
[expatriate, expect, expert, expectorant]
23. Brian made money from oil. Now he lives
in the high ______ life in New York .
[companion, partner, society, solitude]
24. Mark’s very interesting to talk to. I had
a long _____ with
him yesterday.
[constitution, convenience, conversation, convincing]
25. Shirley’s very popular. She has________
friends everywhere.
[nevertheless, numerous, number, several]
26. David dared to _________ the giant
Goliath. In the end he won the fight.
[defend, defy, differ, dive]
27. Alice
was in pain after her accident, so the doctor gave her an __________ to stop
[indignation, injection, information, intention]
28. Rosie was naughty, so her teacher sent
her to the ______ of the school.
[principal, prison, overhead, manager]
29.Helen wouldn’t give Tom his ball back, so
he took it from her by _________.
[hard, force, power, strong]
30. My meeting with the bank manager was very
______ so, he agreed to lend me the money I need.
[flutter, fruitful, full, funeral]
[Reference:Hill, L.A (1985) Word
Power: Vocabulary Tests & Exercises, HongKong, Oxford University Press]
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