Basket ball tennis
athletics archery judo
swimming badminton
rugby football
water polo karate rowing
Sport is a topic which can result in chat, discussion, argumentation, among people interested in it. Not only in local area, but also national and even international scopes.
Sport is an activity every doctor would prescribe to all people for its benefits.
Let's see how much you can answer these questions related to Sport...
Everybody likes sports.
Which sport do you like?
Name more sports than those listed above!
Name more sports than those listed above!
What sport do you do?
When do you do sport?
What do people normally play sport for?
Do you play sport in groups?
How many players are there in a group?
Is it an expensive sport?
There are many kinds of sport in the world.
Which sport are you familiar with?
Do you understand how to play the game?
Do you understand how to score the game?
Can you explain the terminologies used in sport? ( kick off, knocked out,etc)
Which sport is the most popular in the world?
Why is it popular?
What phenomena indicates the sport is popular? (the watchers/the players/the club/the money?)
Some sport may become famous in a certain country or continent, it depends on the climate, the nature, etc.
If possible, mention the sport and the area where it's famous.
There are some competitions held in the world or smaller areas which include many kinds of sport. For example Olympics, SEA Games, etc.
What's the purpose of these kind of competitions?
Which country in the world is the best in sport?
Which country in Asia is the best in sport?
What factors make this certain countries have the best athletes/teams/sports?
Football or Soccer, is one most famous sport in the world. But it is dominated by European countries and South American ones. Sport programs on TV, especially the world class final match, including great clubs or countries, are always waited and watched even if the watchers must stay up late.
What makes this sport very attractive to people around the world?
Are you also attracted to it?
What country do you think is the best in football/soccer?
What club do you think is the best in football/soccer?
Do you understand how to play the game?
Do you understand how to score the game?
Can you explain the terminologies used in sport? ( kick off, knocked out,etc)
Which sport is the most popular in the world?
Why is it popular?
What phenomena indicates the sport is popular? (the watchers/the players/the club/the money?)
Some sport may become famous in a certain country or continent, it depends on the climate, the nature, etc.
If possible, mention the sport and the area where it's famous.
There are some competitions held in the world or smaller areas which include many kinds of sport. For example Olympics, SEA Games, etc.
What's the purpose of these kind of competitions?
Which country in the world is the best in sport?
Which country in Asia is the best in sport?
What factors make this certain countries have the best athletes/teams/sports?
Football or Soccer, is one most famous sport in the world. But it is dominated by European countries and South American ones. Sport programs on TV, especially the world class final match, including great clubs or countries, are always waited and watched even if the watchers must stay up late.
What makes this sport very attractive to people around the world?
Are you also attracted to it?
What country do you think is the best in football/soccer?
What club do you think is the best in football/soccer?
Is it possible Indonesia join the FIFA world cup someday?
There are some international sport events based on regional countries, such as SEA Games, ASIAN Games, etc.
What are the purpose of these events?
Is this for all sports or only for a certain sport?
What makes a person/team/club/country become the world champion?
Do you know some world champions?
Who are they and what sport they do?
[Rederences: Leo, Sutanto (2006)
English for leisure Time Speaking, Jakarta Gramedia Pustaka Utama
and other resources]
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